Amelia Gething as Ursula Pole · The Spanish Princess 2.02

Alba Galocha as Joanna, Queen of Castile and Aragon in The Spanish Princess (2019)

Tessa Bonham Jones as Anne Hastings in The Spanish Princess (2.04)

Stephanie Levi-John as Lina de Cardonnes in The Spanish Princess (2.08)

E L I Z A B E T H  O F  Y O R K ||  Born February 11, 1466 and Died February 11, 1503

“Impeccably connected, beautiful, ceremonious, fruitful, devout, compassionate, generous, and kind, Elizabeth fulfilled every expectation of her contemporaries. Her goodness shines forth in the sources, and it is nor surprising that she was greatly loved. She had overcome severe tragedies and setbacks, and emerged triumphant. We have seen how it is possible to reconcile her much debated actions before her marriage with the gentle queen who emerges after it. Certainly the sources show that, as Queen, she played a greater political role than that with which most historians have credited her, and that she was active within her traditional areas of influence. It is also clear that, far from being in subjection to Henry VII and Margaret Beaufort, she enjoyed a generally happy relationship with both of them.” – Alison Weir, Elizabeth of York: A Tudor Queen and Her World

My dearest daughter Mary,

There is much that you are yet too young to understand about why we are leaving the palace and your father. But there is nothing I regret. Were God to grant me all my time again, I would live exactly as I did the first time, and I would not change my course. I have known love and joy and friendship. For a time, we built what others only dreamt of …. Camelot for England and a paradise for us.

Your father casts himself in many troubles, Mary. He fears he has offended God, and so he breaks his mind upon a goose chase for a prize that he can never win. But in his search, he fails to see the biggest prize of all that God has given us, and it is you. Forgive him. Pray that he may find his way again, and that he be may granted his peace.

Believe your purpose, Mary. Be of merry heart. I love you very much, as I love him. I am his wife. I am Queen of England. I am God’s obedient servant. But you… 

                                 … are England’s future.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 + my favourite costumes in season 2

Costumes in The Spanish Princess: 2.07 Faith

Site Update: The Spanish Princess II - Episode 8 [30 HQ Tagless Stills]

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A clear representation of the period dramas from the white queen to the end of the spanish princess part 2


Good night everyone 😴