Dune Review Round Up | Venice International Film Festival
“… equally important mother Lady Jessica, a warrior priestess played winningly by Rebecca Ferguson.” “Chalamet, playing it earnestly and effectively, is perfectly cast here, and both Ferguson and Isaac are excellent.” (x)
“Ferguson, too, is no slouch, bringing the fully rounded anxieties of motherhood to a role that is key to the book.“ (x)
“He’s also complemented by Ferguson’s intriguing Lady Jessica, an aloof presence who deserves more floor space should Villeneuve ever finish adapting the novel.” (x)
“Chalamet plays the conflicted lead well, but he’s outclassed by Ferguson, whose Lady Jessica has years of maternal worry etched into her every expression.” (x)
“Rebecca Ferguson both enigmatic and fierce as Jessica, Paul’s mother…” (x)
“But Paul’s most important mentor is his mother, Lady Jessica (a superb Rebecca Ferguson)…” “… Ferguson’s forceful presence in the expanded role of Lady Jessica is one example.” (x)
“The most dynamic range comes from Ferguson as the conflicted Atreides matriarch, embodying the emotional turmoil of a character who’s both impassioned mother and scheming zealot.“ (x)
“Ferguson gives a wrenching performance as Paul faces a bone-crunching test in an early reel…” (x)
“Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson and Oscar Isaac are the triumvirate that lead the cast, and they are all phenomenal… Ferguson’s Lady Jessica emotionally torn in her loyalties…” (x)
“But the biggest standouts here are the women…Rebecca Ferguson’s Lady Jessica…Lady Jessica is the heart and soul of Dune, and Ferguson imbues her with such quiet strength and grace, and is so arresting to watch, that you almost wish it were her origin story. If there’s one award-worthy performance in the film, it’s hers.” (x)