2x01 / 4x02

#married life

“Fuck it. I’m not in the mood today.”

Leave me with him.

We made an agreement. We made a solemn promise. We’re the family now.

Remember that house in Lichfield? Eh? The one the bailiff used to throw you out of? Throw you in the ditch. I’m going to buy that fucking house. Big as Tommy’s, with more land. If you feel cooped up … we’ll take a wagon … and camp out by the ditch.

The Shelby ladies + weather (x)

I spoke to Moss last night. He told me that the Chief Constable of Birmingham has issued a warrant for your arrest.

Murder, sedition, conspiracy to cause explosion.
John, they’re coming for you as well. Murder, conspiracy to cause explosion.
Michael… the murder of Hughes.
Polly… the murder of Chief Inspector Chester Campbell.